Myths About SEO That You Need To Forget
There is so much to SEO to take into consideration that it is quite easy to understand why there may be a few myths and stories that develop over time. You see, with SEO we are at the mercy of Google and what they decide is now important with ranking websites, but there are certainly a few common beliefs that are completely wrong. So, what are some of the myths that we feel you need to forget?
- Social Media Plays No Part In SEO
This certainly used to be the case, but it has all changed in recent times as Google are now paying more attention to something called social signals. Basically, if your website or link is being discussed on social media, and if you have the link on your own social media profiles, then you are going to be in their favor. Google understands that social media is at the hub of activity on the Internet, so of course they are going to pay attention to it. In other words, if you ignore it and think that it has no role to play in SEO, then you are going to suffer - A High Page Rank Means No Need For SEO.
This is a crazy myth to believe, but there are a number of people that feel that simply because their website has a high page rank, then there is no need for SEO. However, the truth of the matter is that even though page rank does play a role, it languishes at the bottom of the pile. What we are saying is that a high page rank will not guarantee you being on the first page and it is all because people have learnt how to manipulate the results using these pages, so Google no longer has them featuring as prominently as they used to. - Every Piece Of Content Plays A Part
People are more aware now that content is absolute King when it comes to SEO and to a certain extent that is true. However, there are people that believe that every single piece of content on their website is important when it comes to SEO, but that is not the case. Instead, Google prefer content that provides actual value to your visitors and gives some indication of what your website is all about. You have to look at it that quality overrides quantity in this instance, so there are moments where less really is more. Avoid flooding your website with too much information that is not relevant or Google will certainly view your website in a different light. - I’ve Already Done SEO?
This is an important point to make as it is actually the one area that often lets people down. You see, people believe that SEO is just something that has to be done the one time and then you can leave it alone. However, that is completely wrong because SEO is something that is fluid and constant as it is ever changing both with what your competitors are doing as well as how Google ranks websites. SEO is an ongoing process and if you stop looking at ways to improve it, then you will be left behind and your website is going to start to drop down those results pages as a result. - Find That Keyword
OK, so it is true that keywords are important when it comes to SEO, but people are often guilty of looking at the keywords in the wrong way. They feel that if they can find that one word or phrase that is perfect for them, then they will be well on their way to riches, but that is not the case. Instead, what you need to do is to think about an actual topic that people will search for or a question they will ask that will ultimately lead them to your website. The days of searching for a single keyword are pretty much over as people are looking at more detailed searches, so you need to get with the times or run the risk of being left behind.
What is clear is that SEO and the ‘rules’ that you need to follow are changing and that is something that has to be taken into consideration by every single person that has a website. Google are always looking at ways in which they can improve the search algorithm and if you do not keep up to date with those changes, then it is very easy for you to be left behind.
If you have little knowledge or experience with SEO, then we can only recommend that you seek the advice of an expert who can look at your website, your keywords, and the competition to come up with an approach that meets the current rules and regulations. By doing this, you are giving yourself the best possible chance of success and when you think about the money that can be made via a well positioned website this is surely one thing that should be at the top of your list of things to do.